Survey on public guardianship services (EDUPA-project)

Survey framework for people close to a person who has been appointed a public guardian
Thank you for taking this survey on public guardianship services!

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This survey is part of a research project funded with research funding from the Prime Minister’s Office to assess the quality and effectiveness of public guardianship. We are collecting experiences and information on the provision of guardianship services, and we are also examining regional differences in services. The results of the study will support the development of public guardianship.

This survey is aimed at people close to a person who has been appointed a public guardian.

Please complete the survey by 28.2.2024. It will take about 15-20 minutes to complete the survey. You can also respond to the survey in parts. Your responses will be saved when you go from one page to another. This means that you can return to the survey later, but you will need to use the same computer and browser. Even if you cannot see your old responses, you can still continue from where you left off.

The responses will be processed confidentially and the results will be analysed in such a way that individual respondents cannot be identified. The responses will not be linked to register data or disclosed to the authorities. Each response is valuable for the study.

The study is part of the Prime Minister’s Office’s research activities and is implemented on behalf of the Prime Minister’s Office. The study is carried out by Owal Group Oy in cooperation with the Center of Law and Welfare at the University of Eastern Finland. The study will be completed in November 2024. More information on the study is provided here (in Finnish).

General data protection notice (in Finnish)

Thank you very much for responding!

For more information about the survey, please contact:

Minna Mayer
Manager, Owal Group Oy
tel. +358 40 709 6898

Taru Aihinen
Senior Consultant, Owal Group Oy
tel. +358 40 721 5084